Reduces road maintenance costs, improves road safety, improves the quality of life for those living along the roadside, improves air quality, reduces climate change, reduces vehicle maintenance, and improves plant growth outwards of 1000 feet from each side of the road and reducing TSS impacts on wetlands. For islands with unpaved dirt roads, controlling dust stops dust blowing away from wind erosion and vehicle traffic as well as helps keep the island from getting smaller caused by losing this material.
Applications require an onsite soil sample and analysis. Materials that are non-clay, non-gypsum, and non-calcareous, can expect to see dust-free results last up to 5 years at 100% efficiency. At year 6, the product begins to degrade at approximately 10% per year.
The material used impacts the lifespan of HevyRayn, any clay, gypsum, or calcareous material in the soil will require additional application rates to counter the absorption rate of these materials. Migrating dust from untreated areas may cover the treated surface over time.
HevyRayn Application rate determines the amount of time that you need to wait to drive on it. Some heavy applications require twelve hours. Most applications need just two hours after the application to be able to drive on the surface.
HevyRayn cost is determined by the volume and area size of the project, as well as the distance to travel, shipping costs, and soil type. For instance, the more clay in the soil, the more product will need to be applied. We are happy to provide free quotes. However, to give a comparison in cost, it is about the same as a quality asphalt seal coat application.
It takes approximately 4 hours per 1,000 square meters (10k square feet). Applications should be done 24 hours before rain to allow maximum penetration.
HevyRayn is not biodegradable by the definition of "starts to break down in 30 days and is gone within 6 months". HevyRayn begins to break down in approximately 5 years. After 5 years it begins to break down at about 10% per year. 2-year conditional warranties are available for all applications.
The HevyRayn formula has been EPA tested and surpasses the toxicity test summary by 1000% when tested with 6 day old baby trout.
No, HevyRayn is a neutral pH and does not change the pH of the soil.
Yes, HevyRayn is 100% non-toxic to humans, land animals and aquatic life.
A. Covering over the application with new untreated material or tilling the surface
B. Poor drainage allowing sediment to drain onto the driving surface and be covered with new material.
C. Poor road base allowing deep ruts that when regraded cover the treated material.
D. Soils containing more than 5% clay, gypsum, or calcareous material. ( unless more than the minimum amount of HevyRayn is applied)
HevyRayn TM The Dust Pros TM DirtTack TM SandTack TM 2024
Earth Stabilizing Systems, L.P. - New Hampshire, U.S.A. - Tel. (774) 320 - 0961